
Mooring Post
August/September 2022

– Delivering news to marina professionals –
SPAIN: New superyacht marina launched in Ibiza
A consortium comprising Ocean Capital Partners (OCP), Island Global Yachting (IGY) and Grupo Empresas Matutes has signed a temporary concession agreement to operate a superyacht marina in the Port of Ibiza.
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UK: Council seeks government funds for Barry Docks
The Vale of Glamorgan Council is to bid for £20 million of funding from the UK Government Levelling Up Fund to transform the Barry Docks waterfront.
The centrepiece of the plan is a new marina at the site known as the Mole. This would attract visitors and tourists to the town and serve as the catalyst for the next stage of the regeneration of the docks. The second part is the construction of a new, green, purpose-built watersports facility that would boost leisure opportunities ...
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MALDIVES: Floating boating community wins approvals
Dutch Docklands Maldives has received the final go ahead for its Maldives Floating City development. The Maldives Government Economic Council has approved it to run under its Integrated Tourism Model.
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USA: Preliminary submissions for Seaport project
The Board of Port Commissioners for the Port of San Diego, California is reviewing a recent preliminary submission from 1HWY1 regarding the long-awaited Seaport San Diego project. Staff anticipate the review will be an ongoing process before a final project description is submitted. |
CYPRUS: Town planning approval for Larnaca
The Cyprus Ministry of Transport has announced town planning approval has been granted for the Larnaca port and marina project. It describes the project as “the single largest since the establishment of the republic.”
QATAR: M3 to develop Pearl yacht club
Long-awaited 250-berth Shakespeare Marina on the River Avon in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England was officially opened on 27th May by Timothy West CBE. The marina was developed by Geomac, part of the Land & Water Group.
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USA: Suntex buys Wharf to relaunch as Ocean View
Suntex Marina Investors has purchased The Wharf in Marathon in the Florida Keys. After a significant investment, it will re-launch the property as Ocean View Marina.
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Highlights from Marina World July/August: |
Revamping and regeneration: heading up Azimut Benetti marinas
Giorgio Casareto: “The Varazze, Livorno and Malta marinas have logical positioning. They allow us to take customers in different geographical areas and offer them a navigation experience along the coasts and in port that is similar to their marina homeport.”
Flexible marina investment for maximum returns
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Flexible marina investment for maximum returns
Darius Wozniak: “The very high demand for berths will not abate over the next ten to 15 years but continue to increase. We are already seeing a high shortage of supply, which is having a positive impact on marina occupancy rates and profits.”
Building the first sustainable floating city
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Building the first sustainable floating city
Itai Madamombe and Marc Collins Chen: “Sea level rise is a formidable threat, but sustainable floating infrastructure can help solve this looming catastrophe. We are excited to make history with Busan and UN-Habitat in ushering in humanity’s next frontier.”
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USA: Freedom moves into Chula Vista
Freedom Boat Club San Diego has expanded to its fifth location in Chula Vista, San Diego Bay. The club opened on 23rd July.
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Gold Anchor first
Westhaven Marina in Auckland city centre has become the first marina in New Zealand to gain Gold Anchor accreditation from the Australia-based Marina Industries Association (MIA).
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CROATIA: Marina Rijeka to set new digital standards
Planning for Marina Rijeka, a new marina in the ACI network, was the most important topic discussed at the recent Blue Growth Kvaerner 2030 Conference in Rijeka.
The conference opened with a welcome speech by Ivan Herak, ACI board member for finance, corporate law and human resources. He said the marina project will kick start the modernisation of the city’s economy. “Given that ACI is the largest nautical company in the Mediterranean, it is our duty to deliver better results from year to year and raise the value of ACI, Rijeka and, ultimately, the whole of Croatia on the market,” he stated, adding that the implementation of the marina project is one of the primary tasks the government has given the state-owned marina chain.
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From the Marina World archives: |
The future of government marina leases and concessions
Darren Vaux: “Marina investors and operators need to achieve a return on investment commensurate with risk and effort, and the nature and fluidity of government policy has a significant impact on this risk profile.”
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The good, the fair and the dangerous
Oscar Siches: “Government needs to understand that marinas differ in scope. What the marina customer requires, how boats are used and how much money is spent on site are factors that should affect concession terms and costs.”
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Med market hit by lack of uniform fee policy
Luciano Serra: “Politicians should start thinking of yachts as privately owned masterpieces and not just the assets of possible tax evaders. [As at January 2020] there has been no concrete dialogue regarding state-owned concessions.”
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Coming soon…
The September/October issue of Marina World magazine has specific focus on:
Pontoons/Docks and
Management & Consultancy
…and further ahead
Superyacht Facilities
Yards & Yard Machinery
Editorial deadline: 23 September
Advertising deadline: 18 October
To discuss editorial opportunities for these issues, contact:
Carol Fulford – carolfulford@marinaworld.co.uk
For details on print and digital advertising options, contact:
Julia Hallam (Europe, Middle East & Asia Pacific) – juliahallam@marinaworld.co.uk
Philippe Critot (The Americas) – pcritot@marinaworld.com
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