UK: Funds secured for Barry development
The Vale of Glamorgan Council in South Wales has secured £19.8 million of funding for its Barry Making Waves waterfront development. The plans, led and developed in detail by the Council and shaped by local residents and a number of local and regional partners, will provide a watersports centre at Barry Waterfront and a marina, along with a new park.
It will also see the creation of new business space for the town and further invest in an active travel network to the waterfront. The proposals have been developed in partnership with local community organisations and Associated British Ports, which will also be providing match funding.
The new money comes from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund which invests in infrastructure that improves everyday life.
Leader of the Council, Lis Burnett, said: “The Barry Making Waves project will be the next step on a regenerative journey that has seen significant investment in recent years. The Levelling Up funding will be used alongside the £20 million Transforming Towns grant recently awarded to the Council to allow a whole-town approach to regeneration.”
“With both we are thinking for the long-term. Jobs and education are what will drive prosperity in the Vale over the course of this decade. The two regeneration projects will focus on creating sustainable jobs, more opportunities for learning and training, improved public infrastructure, and through it a better connection between the town centre and waterfront.”
The Making Waves project will be delivered over the next three to five years.