NEW ZEALAND: Hobbs Bay marina proposal
Hopper Developments submitted an application to the Ministry of the Environment on 3rd May to fast-track approval process for a potential marina at Hobbs Bay near Auckland. The application included draft planning information but the company says there is currently no detailed design or planning for the project.
Hopper Developments has recognised the need for additional access and launching facilities in the Hibiscus Coast area, as well as additional fixed mooring infrastructure across the Auckland region. Its research indicates a significant shortfall in boating facilities in the area, with notable delays in trailer boat access for both launching and retrieval causing frustrations among local boaters.The proposal would help fill the berthing shortfall and enhance the potential of the area as a premium coastal community. Construction is well under way on the first stage of residential lots at Hobbs Bay Estate and the time is right for a decision regarding a marina to be made.
“Once the subdivision at Hobbs Bay Estate is completed, the opportunity to expand with a marina development would be considerably more challenging,” the company said in a statement. “Such opportunities are rare and there are few other suitable locations for a marina in the Auckland area.”
The marina application includes a public beach and boat ramp.