
Mooring Post
October/November 2022

– Delivering news to marina professionals –
USA: Hurricane Ian devastates Fort Myers marinas
IBEX cancelled, Golden Marine reaches out
The Category 4 storm to be known as Hurricane Ian hit the barrier island of Cayo Costa with 150mph (241 km/h) winds on Wednesday 28th September.
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USA: Oasis to manage Cape Charles marina
Oasis Marinas, whose portfolio of marinas now nears 50, has officially begun operational management of Cape Charles Yacht Center in Cape Charles, Virginia. This marks the third property for Oasis in Virginia and its first on the state’s eastern shore.
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UK: MDL commits to £7 million maintenance spend
Despite rising costs, MDL Marinas will continue with its annual spending programme for the 2022/23 maintenance season, spending £1.5 million alone on replacing and re-decking pontoons and maintaining quay walls and corrosion protection.
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USA: Pacific to rebuild HIWM
HIW Associates has awarded Pacific Building Group a $16 million contract to completely demolish and renovate Harbor Island West Marina (HIWM) in San Diego. HIW has owned and managed the marina at 2040 Harbor Island Drive since 1982.
Harbor Island currently has 620 slips for vessels of 21 to 100ft (6 to 30m). The project includes construction of two-storey retail and marina buildings and new recreational areas including a pool and picnic area. The marina slips and fuel dock will be fully renovated.
Anchors for Mackay
Mackay Marina Village in Queensland has secured a 4 Gold Anchor rating with the Marina Industries Association (MIA).
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SPAIN: Marina Port Vell reinforces commitment to sustainability
Marina Port Vell in Barcelona, one of the leading superyacht marinas in the Mediterranean, has implemented an ambitious sustainability master plan backed up by renewal of its EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) and ISO 14001 environmental certificates.
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USA: Treasury award for Broadwater rebuild
The US Department of the Treasury has granted a $5 million ‘Restore’ award to Broadwater Marina in west Biloxi, Mississippi. The currently derelict marina was severely damaged in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina and suffered subsequent damage from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and various named and unnamed storms.
The scope of the project, which will include bulkhead repair, dredging and breakwater improvements, aims to return the state-owned property to a safe, working condition for immediate public use and prepare it for future tourism and economic development.
Broadwater Marina is located within Public Trust Tidelands which the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office manages and leases.
MONACO: 2022 Sustainability award winners
The Second Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous, held in September at Yacht Club de Monaco, attracted an audience of over 250 industry professionals for seminar discussions and the all-important award presentations. |
USA: Public to vote on future of Three Corners
The City of Vero Beach, Florida, is holding a referendum on 8th November to determine public support for redeveloping the former power plant site at Three Corners into a leisure facility.
The move follows the City’s adoption in February of a master concept plan developed by DPZ CoDesign. The plan includes a day marina, promenade, restaurants and a Sailing Foundation.
If the project receives public approval, the City will issue a Request for Information to identify qualified developers. The 38-acre (15.4ha) site is considered to be the most valuable publicly-owned waterfront property on Florida’s east coast.
Highlights from Marina World September/October 2022: |
Queenstown Marina, a gem for the boating community
Iraj Barabi: “Considering the circumstances, COVID and border lockdowns, the interest and the uptake in the berths has been exceptional. Once we have accomplished our goal of building the best marina in New Zealand, the challenge of course would be to keep it at the top.”
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Buying and managing Marina Punta del Faro
Oliver Dörschuck: “Punta Faro is our first marina in Italy and becomes the sixteenth marina in the D-Marin Group. We’re really excited to enter the Italian market. Our goal is to build a premium marina network, particularly across the Mediterranean Sea.”
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New thinking for US Adelaide Point
Greg Weykamp: “For most developers in the USA, the path to success when building on the waterfront has been focused on securing a prime parcel and creating an exclusive fenced off private enclave. Ryan and Emily Leestma…flipped the traditional model on its head.”
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From the Marina World archives: talking to marina managers |
Marina Punat, Croatia: a pioneer in the Adriatic
Renata Marevic CMM: “We face great challenges in our small environment where we are the leading employer. We are already a huge marina with 1,400 boats in the port and thoughtful innovation is needed to best utilise the available space.”
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West Istanbul Marina, Turkey: cruising where continents meet
Fuat Cimen: “Our huge capacity for technical services has helped to set our marina apart from others in the region. And because the shipyard is located within the marina, all clients and crew members have the opportunity to use the facilities of West Istanbul Marina’s developed infrastructure.”
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Eldean Shipyard, USA: family business on the shores of Lake Macatawa
Wade Eldean: “Over the next ten years we hope to add a few additional slips and boatlifts, and expand on being a resort destination where people choose to spend their vacation by increasing the number of our vacation rentals.”
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Coming soon…
The November/December issue of Marina World magazine has specific focus on:
Superyacht Facilities
Yards & Yard Machinery
…and further ahead
January/February 2023:
Waterfront Developments
Dockside Utilities
Editorial deadline: 07 December 2022
Advertising deadline: 14 December 2022
To discuss editorial opportunities for these issues, contact:
Carol Fulford – carolfulford@marinaworld.co.uk
For details on print and digital advertising options, contact:
Julia Hallam (Europe, Middle East & Asia Pacific) – juliahallam@marinaworld.co.uk
Philippe Critot (The Americas) – pcritot@marinaworld.com
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School Farm, School Road, Terrington St John, Fen End PE14 7SJ. United Kingdom |