
Mooring Post
June/July 2022

– Delivering news to marina professionals –
AUSTRALIA: The Boat works to double north yard footprint
The Boat Works in Coomera, Queensland is all set to move onto the next level of major construction at its north yard. The 55-acre (22.3-ha) facility will increase yard capacity and marina jobs significantly, servicing up to 100 boats undercover with additional Super Sheds plus new marine showroom premises.
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Marina World Suppliers & Services
Marina World Suppliers & Services (MWS&S) is the established international guide to marina equipment manufacturers and service providers. Updated every year and distributed with the March/April issue of Marina World, it features up to 40 specialist categories with company contact details and product/service descriptions.
USA: EDA grants millions for new breakwater
The Economic Development Administration (EDA) of the US Department of Commerce is awarding a $7 million grant to the Port of Port Townsend, Washington.
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CYPRUS: Boosting landside amenities
Award-winning Karpaz Gate Marina in northern Cyprus has expanded its facilities to offer new benefits for boat owners this season..
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Industry networking:
all together for Marinas22
The Marinas22 international conference and trade exhibition reaffirmed its place as one of the largest marina industry conferences in the world after welcoming over 320 attendees across two days to the Australian Gold Coast 23rd-24th May. |
USA: Marina in ‘preserve’ plans for North Padre Island
Ashlar Development is scheduled to break ground late spring/early summer on Whitecap Preserve, a 242-acre (98ha) multi-use project on North Padre island, a barrier island along the coast of Texas. The $800 million development will be located on the former site of the Waves Resort Waterpark.
UK: Timothy West opens Shakespeare Marina
Long-awaited 250-berth Shakespeare Marina on the River Avon in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England was officially opened on 27th May by Timothy West CBE. The marina was developed by Geomac, part of the Land & Water Group.
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UK: Rebranding 29-marina chain with benefits
Aquavista, operator of five coastal marinas and 24 inland marinas in the UK, has brought its recently acquired Castle Marinas portfolio under the Aquavista brand umbrella.
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Highlights from Marina World May/June: |
Council approves AU$200 million expansion
Tom Hill: “This approval means our expansion at Rivergate Marina & Shipyard is now shovel ready and just waiting on government funding support to get under way.”
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Land and sea: funding for the race to reconnect
Capt. Angelo Zerilli: “About 650 municipalities will be able to count on an economic opportunity from a €4.9 billion fund to plan for the future and help offset the negative effects of the pandemic”
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Future proofing St Michael’s Marina
Michael Morgan: “Customers want to be ‘wowed’ and they expect to have the same experience they’d find at a top-rated luxury resort…the key here is to be observant and really study your customers – then over-deliver on the experience they are hoping for.”
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Planning for Eastside
The master plan for the Eastside Project has been presented to the Development and Planning Commission. Take a flyover of the model courtesy of GBC News… |
TOBAGO: Luring superyachts to new marina sites
The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) in collaboration with the state-owned National Infrastructure Development Co Ltd (NIDCO) is proposing the construction of a marina with superyacht berths in Canoe Bay, Friendship Estate.
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May/June 2022 included a special feature on Waterfront Developments. Refresh your reading on this topic with these archive articles: |
When the seas rise –
challenges and strategies
Mike Ward/Phil Dunn: “An emerging issue that we see given more and more emphasis across our portfolio of projects is the consideration given to the implication of future Sea Level Rise."
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Rebalancing land use, economics and destination appeal
Edgewater Resources: “Achieving the best balance of land uses to protect the natural qualities of the waterfront that draw visitors and buyers while still achieving appropriate financial returns is the key to a successful waterfront development. This is also the key to navigating the entitlement process.”
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Coming soon…
The July/August issue of Marina World magazine has specific focus on:
Marina Management/Smart Technology
Floating Buildings & Structures
…and further ahead
Management & Consultancy – Marinas & Yards
A-Z Guide to Pontoons/Docks & Decking Systems - this annual Advertisement Feature is a paid-for opportunity that highlights leading industry suppliers. Was your company listed in 2021? Check here
Editorial deadline: 05 August
Advertising deadline: 16 August
Editorial deadline: 23 September
Advertising deadline: 18 October
To discuss editorial opportunities for these issues, contact:
Carol Fulford – carolfulford@marinaworld.co.uk
For details on print and digital advertising options, contact:
Julia Hallam (Europe, Middle East & Asia Pacific) – juliahallam@marinaworld.co.uk
Philippe Critot (The Americas) – pcritot@marinaworld.com
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School Farm, School Road, Terrington St John, Fen End PE14 7SJ. United Kingdom |